007 | New Year, New Goals?
007 | New Year, New Goals?
We are three days into 2019 and I am already overwhelmed. In my social media feeds, all I see is #best9of2018 and I love inspiration, but really what is that?!? Your favorite nine pictures depicting your “perfect life”?
I am going into 2019 happy, in a loving relationship with an upcoming wedding, a good job (that thankfully, I still have…my department just did it annual layoffs), tons of supportive friends and family, adventure on the horizon, and I feel lost. In today’s world (or maybe it is life’s greatest obstacle), we all suffer from this incessant need of perfection, comparison, and finding our own self-worth.
Life is hard. Maybe it’s my impending 40th birthday, pre-marriage jitters, or expectations on myself either real or perceived. Do you ever feel lost? That is where I am standing coming into 2019.
I don’t know the answers. I can put a plan together to not just attack, but to reclaim myself…by trying.
So it’s a new year, and those new goals? Well, I haven’t the foggiest what they are, yet.
I am planning. And I am just grateful to be trying.
Happy New Year!
What are your goals? Anything you can share for the girl still contemplating? Help me come up with 2019 aspirations!